Who has Right of Way when Boating?
Who has the “Right of Way” in various situations is set out by regulated Marine Rules of the Road.
Proper Anchoring Practices Can’t Be Stressed Enough
The anchor, and the line or chain attached to it (the “rode”), are very important pieces of equipment. An anchor can make the difference between safety and disaster.
Navigation Lights Are A Requirement, Not An Option
If a boat is operated between sunset and sunrise or in restricted visibility – in fog, for example – it must display navigation lights.
VHF Radio vs Cell Phone
Quite often we get asked about the value of VHF marine band radios as means of communication vs a cell phone. The answer to that is quite simple.
Boating Etiquette
Everyday good manners are only common courtesy, customs are derived from traditions.
Near Shore Speed Limits
It is Your Legal Responsibility to Operate Your Boat at a Safe Speed and Be Aware of Your Wake.
Spring Boating Tips
The days are getting longer ~ if not much warmer. It’s time to get out on the water – or at the very least, prepare to get out on the water.
Boat Winterization
Winterizing your boat properly is important to have it run properly in the spring. Here are some steps that are recommended by many organizations and mechanics.
Find out more about boating safety tips, and videos on essential boating knots and battery maintenance.
All course training is carried out by dedicated volunteers. Our Oakville instructors are experienced sail and power boaters whose passion is to increase safety and confidence on our waterways through education.
A discount of 25% applies to a First Year Membership if requested within 60 days of the student’s marks submitted after completing a CPS-ECP course.